At the beginning of this month we started to learn about the Coronavirus pandemic and imminent realisation that the world would go into lock down. Golf Clubs closed with immediate affect, however, different regions reacted earlier than others but as of the 23rd March, all the golf courses Privatus work with announced they were closed for business and the UK plus US finally went into isolation. Certain destinations, such as Scandinavia, the Middle East and parts of Asia and Australasia are confident that come the end of next month and into May at the latest, they might be able to re-open the fairways in some way shape and form. With the Masters postponed until later in the year and the European Tour suspending tournaments until the end of May after the Irish Open, there’s a real possibility that the remaining 3 majors of the season could also be put back to after September’s Ryder Cup and talk of the Open championship at Royal St Georges being cancelled altogether. With a newsletter being released to all Privatus members at the beginning of April, regular updates on when any type of global golf activity might recommence will be made regularly available.
- Mid May re-opening earliest
- Check out Nick Dougherty’s TEE TIME TIPS on Instagram